New Reservation

{{custom_error_msg}}. Please call us at 850.687.9650 to check for availability

Please give the time as hour:minute am/pm.

Do you want to add a return trip?


Please give the time as hour:minute am/pm.

Additional Request Details



Notice! For roundtrip reservation requests, two separate reservation requests will automatically be created for you. You can view the price summary of the 2 separate trips below.


Rates for return trip will be included shortly …

Select a vehicle below to book your reservation

We do not have a vehicle type that can take the number of passengers specified

{{rate.vehicle_name}} {{rate.capacity}} Passengers


Does not meet {{rate.minimum_hours}} hour minimum
Online rate not available. Please call us or request a quote to reserve this vehicle


Unavailable {{ ava.availability.reason }}

Sand Dollar Transportation, LLC. Sand Dollar Transportation disclaims all responsibility for passengers missing flights while using our service. WHILE ALL REASONABLE CARE IS TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT WE OPERATE AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE TO OUR TIMETABLE, WE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE EVENTS BEYOND OUR CONTROL THAT MAY IMPACT ON THE EFFICIENCY OF THE SERVICE. Passengers should be aware that exceptional traffic conditions, technical problems or other unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control may occasionally result in delays or cancellations to our service. When planning your trip you should make allowance for such contingencies to ensure that you reach your airline’s check-in facility in time. We recommend you allow 30min between the scheduled arrival of the van at the airport and your check in time with the airline, which should be 2 hours before domestic flights and 3 hours before international flights. All baggage, including carry on baggage, is the sole responsibility of the passenger and Sand Dollar Transportation accepts no responsibility, and shall not be accountable for theft, loss or damage to any passenger’s baggage while on Sand Dollar Transportation Vehicles, Sand Dollar Transportation does not assume liability for wear and tear to baggage, which includes: • Damage to or losses of protruding baggage parts such as straps, packets, pull handles, hanger hooks, wheels and feet, or other items attached to the baggage as well as damage to over sized/over packed bags. • Sand Dollar Transportation is not liable for damage to fragile items, spoilage of perishables, loss/damage of cameras, electronic/video photographic equipment, computer equipment, heirlooms, or and other irreplaceable items. • Any baggage that is left aboard Sand Dollar Transportation vehicles will be stored at the administration office at the owner’s risk for no more than 3 months. Cancellations made within 24 hours and no shows are non-refundable. A vehicle to travel to VPS and ECP Airport must be booked in advance. Conduct of Passengers and Guests Sand DollarTransportation has a “zero tolerance” policy toward any illegal activity or behavior by Passengers aboard any of our Vehicles. Passenger/Guest agrees to comply with this policy and further acknowledges that it is Sand Dollar Transportation policy to report incidents of illegal activity or behavior to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. Smoking, drug consumption, alcohol consumption, or being intoxicated by drugs or alcohol while riding our vehicles is prohibited. The possessions of weapons, including firearms are also prohibited. Passenger/Guest agrees that any violation of this Clause may subject Passenger/Guest to immediate disembarkation. Liabilities of Passengers and Guests The Passenger or Passenger’s estate shall be liable to and shall reimburse Sand Dollar Transportation for all expenses (including loss of revenue and cleaning fees), damages to the vehicle, its interior or exterior, operations or equipment, caused directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by any misconduct, including smoking, drug consumption, alcohol consumption, or being intoxicated by drugs or alcohol while riding our vehicles, and/or any other willful or negligent act or omission on the part of the Passenger or any minors traveling with passenger.

Confirm reservation

Your credit card information is required to confirm your reservation. If you are booking for round trip airport transfers, your will see two separate charges on your credit card statement.

Thank You! Confirmation: {{order.confirmation_code}}

New reservation

Thank You! Request Received: {{order.confirmation_code}}

New reservation
Start new request

Request Summary

Name {{order.full_name}}
Phone {{}}
Email {{}}
Service {{current_service[0].service_name}}
Vehicle Type {{current_rate.vehicle_name}}
Passengers {{passengers}} {{ passengers > 1 ? 'Passengers' : 'Passenger'}}
{{rider.first_name}} {{rider.last_name}} {{ }}
Service Hours {{service_hours}}

Trip information # {{order.confirmation_code}}

Pickup time {{toDateTimeTxt(pickup_date,pickup_time)}}
Pickup Location
Drop-off Location
Optional {{ofri.description}} ()
{{iri.description}} ({{iri.selected_value}})
{{brpi.description}} ({{brpi.percentage_amount}}% of base rate) {{basePercentageRateLineTotal(brpi,current_rate)}}
{{spi.description}} ({{spi.percentage_amount}}% of total) {{subTotalPercentageRateLineTotal(spi,current_rate)}}
Driver's Gratuity ({{current_rate.gratuity_rate}}%)
Tax ({{tax_rate}}%)

Return trip information # {{return_order.confirmation_code}}

Pickup time {{toDateTimeTxt(return_pickup_date,return_pickup_time)}}
Pickup location
Drop-off location
Optional {{ofri.description}} ()
{{iri.description}} ({{iri.selected_value}})
{{brpi.description}} ({{brpi.percentage_amount}}% of base rate) {{basePercentageRateLineTotal(brpi,current_return_rate)}}
{{spi.description}} ({{spi.percentage_amount}}% of total) {{subTotalPercentageRateLineTotal(spi,current_return_rate)}}
Driver's Gratuity ({{current_return_rate.gratuity_rate}}%)
Tax ({{tax_rate}}%)